Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Technology Centre is the National Information Centre for European Research (NICER), it works on analytic and perspective studies in RTD and innovation and it is involved in transnational technology transfer. NICER offers information and advisory services related to the EU Framework Programmes, monitoring Czech participation in international research cooperation programmes and coordination and methodical management of the national information network NINET (National Contact Points). Specialists within the NINET network provide consultancy and advisory services about the individual thematic priorities in the Framework Programmes. The mobility issues are dealt with by Petra Perutkova who is the National
Contact Point for People and Idea Programme.
Regional Contact Organizations for EU Framework Programmes (FP)
The network of Regional Contact Organizations called NINET gives complex consultancy services to regional research and development teams in order to involve them into the EU 7th FP – research and technology development. Since this network is financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (programme EUPRO), all services offered on the regional level are free of charge to researchers and academic staff.
EURAXESS – Local Contact Points
The EURAXESS network in the Czech Republic consists of two Services Centres in Prague and Brno and 7 Local Contact Points set up at regional universities. They are offering practical information and personalized assistance to researchers and their family members coming to their universities. The whole EURAXESS network in the Czech Republic is financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (EUPRO programme). In case other universities show interest in becoming a member of this network, they can contact the personnel at the EURAXESS Center in Prague.
Universities in individual regions
Into the organization of the seminars within the “Mobility month”, representatives from universities in 10 regions of the Czech Republic have engaged themselves: South Bohemian University Ceske Budejovice, University of Ostrava and Technical University in Ostrava, Technical University in Liberec, University of Hradec Kralove, University of Tomas Bata in Zlin, University of Technology and Administration in Most, Palacky University Olomouc, Pardubice University, West Bohemian University in Plzen and University of Technology Brno.