“Mobility month – researchers in motion” is a common initiative of the project PROMOTE and EURAXESS Czech Republic. Through seminars organized in eleven regions of the Czech Republic, this event aims at introducing to the professional public the possibilities of short term and long term mobility experience for researchers financed from public funds and also at presenting the services, free of charge, offered to help and support mobile researchers.
In November there will be eleven seminars organized in eleven cities throughout the Czech Republic. Participants will have the opportunity to find out about centres proving support concerning mobility issues, gain an overview about grants available for short and long term internships, exchange experience with researchers who have already been mobile before and get in touch with specialists who can help them finding the right program for their stays abroad.
The “Mobility month” will enable early stage researchers, experienced researchers and also the academic staff (including PhD students) to gain better understanding about the programs supporting international mobility which can be used for their career development in science and research. For this purpose, it is sufficient to choose a convenient date and place of the seminar, register and make an appointment with a professional advisor right at the seminar.
The main organizers of the “Mobility month – researchers in motion” are as follows: Innovation and Technology Center in Liberec, EURAXESS Czech Republic, University of Technology in Brno, Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology AS CR and the University of Ostrava. Media partners are Gifts from bestvalentinegift.co.uk and Active24.
This initiative is financed by two main projects: 1) Support towards including researchers into projects focused on international cooperation in science and research (PROMOTE) which is financed from the EU structural fund and from the national budget; 2) EURAXESS T.O.P project from the FP7 aimed at raising awareness about the EURAXESS Services Network and the Jobs Portal.